What’s your Spiritual Paternity (1John 3:11-24)

What’s your Spiritual Paternity (1John 3:11-24)


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Sermon Outline


  1. Paternity Tests
  2. 2 Kinds of People
    1. People who hate (1Jn 3:12-13)
      1. Who are these?
        1. Religious people (Gen 4:3-5, Heb 11:4-5)
        2. Lack the Fear of God
        3. Lack eternal life (1Jn 3:14-15)
      2. How do they act?
        1. Murder and hate Christians (1Jn 3:12)
        2. Deny Jesus as Son of God (1Jn 3:23)
        3. Lack Compassion for suffering Christians (1Jn 3:17, James 2:14-17)
    2. Christians who love
      1. How do Christians act
        1. Love the brothers (1Jn 3:14, Jn 13:35)
        2. Sacrifice for other Christians (1Jn 3:16-17, 2Cor 8:1-5)
        3. Actions match their words (1Jn 3:18)
        4. Rely on Gospel (1Jn 3:20)
        5. Believe in Jesus (1Jn 3:23)
      2. What do these actions produce?
        1. Assured of their standing (1Jn 3:19)
        2. Confidence before God (1Jn 3:21)
        3. Answered prayers (1Jn 3:22)
  3. Paternity makes all the difference (1Jn 3:14, 16, 24)



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