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Sermon outline
Sexuality is a big part of our human experience.
Marriage Laws
- Marrying women captured in battle (Dt 21:10-14)
- Humiliated means oppressed, humiliated, and afflicted. (Dt 22:24, 2Sam 13:14)
- You may not sexually abuse/use anyone.
- Accusations of sexual misconduct after consummating the marriage. (Dt 22:13-30)
- Notice the selfishness (Dt 22:14).
- Whipped can also mean instructed.
- Death for sexual immorality.
- This applies to the woman recently married we just talked about.
- This also applies to the case of adultery (Dt 22:22)
- And the rape of a betrothed woman (Dt 22:23-29)
- Divorce and remarriage (Dt 24:1-5)
- Levirate marriage and descendants (Dt 25:5-10)
- These rulings protected the Woman.
- Marrying women captured in battle (Dt 21:10-14)
Forbidden Sexual Relations
- God’s people are forbidden to be prostitutes (Dt 23:17-18)
- Sex is sacred, but not as a way to worship. (Heb 13:4)
- God’s people are forbidden to be prostitutes (Dt 23:17-18)
Crossdressing (Dt 22:5)
- Men should look like men and women like women, the lines are not to be blurred.
Those excluded from the covenant community (Dt 23:1-8)
- Males with damaged genitalia (Dt 23:1)
- Descendants of forbidden unions – that is, incestuous relationships, are not to be part of God’s people (Dt 23:2, Lev 18, 20)
- Descendants of Ammon and Moab are forbidden forever (Dt 23:3-6)
- Edomites and Egyptians may join God’s people in the third generation (Dt 23:7-8).
Gospel Applications
- God’s intent is to bless the nations of the earth through Christ (Is 19:25, Mt 15:28, Is 56:4-8)
- God saves sinners, even those who have sinned sexually, and he calls them to change and sin no more (Jn 8)
- Instruct those in broken marriages and help them find the healing the Gospel brings. (Mt 19:4-6, Eph 5:31)
- Remember that unrepentant sexual sin is still sin, and it will keep people from heaven. (Rev 21:8)