14 Dt 26 Closing out the Case Law – The first 3 commands again

14 Dt 26 Closing out the Case Law – The first 3 commands again

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Sermon outline


The Great Commandment

          1. Notice how this great commandment is framed in Dt 26:1
          2. So what is this worship to involve on the people’s part: 5 things
            1. Preparing an offering of Thanks (Dt 26:2)
            2. Going to the tabernacle/temple (Dt 26:2, Gen 3:8)
            3. Rehearsing the history of redemption (Dt 26:5-10)
            4. Worship (Dt 26:10)
            5. Rejoicing in God’s presence with God’s people (Dt 26:11)
            6. Obey Him in the rest of life (Dt 26:12-17)
              1. But I can’t make this declaration (Dt 26:13-14)
              2. Only Jesus Can (2Cor 1:19-20)

In Christ

          1. And it is in Christ that people find the promises and declarations of God to be true (Dt 26:18-19)
          2. God made 4 promises to the Israelites in our passage.
            1. They are his treasured possession (1Pt 2:9, Mt 12:18)
            2. They are to keep his commandments (Jn 6:28-29)
            3. They are to be honored above others (Jn 15:15)
            4. They are to be holy.

So how should we respond?

          1. Prepare a Thank offering.
          2. Go to Worship.
          3. Rehearse your story.
          4. Worship
          5. Rejoice
          6. Obey
          7. Remember all of this is done not to gain his love, but because you have already come into the promised land of life and not death.


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