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Sermon outline
Death is everywhere in our world
The Famine in Joseph’s Day (Gen 47:13-21)
- Background of Joseph’s life (Gen 37-41)
- Present Situation
- Very severe famine (Gen 47:13-14)
- Famine costs them their future food security (Gen 47:15-17)
- Famine costs them their life and freedom (Gen 47:18-21)
- Where is the compassion, generosity and love?
- Sin breeds cultures of Death.
- Cultures of Death
- Seek to oppress people in their desperation
- Cause people to sell anything and everything they have in the hope of finding life.
- Lead people into servitude towards those with power.
- This is what sin does to people (Rom 5:12, 6:23)
- How often do we sell ourselves to things/people/ideas that we think can save us, but which only lead us into more suffering?
“An entire culture of death can only be defeated by a richer and more compelling culture of love.”[1]
- Hope of Life and Love @ 1st coming (2Cor 5:21, Jn 1:11, 11:25-26, 1:5)
- Hope of Life and Love @ 2nd coming
- The unbeliever seeks to build it on human effort
- The believer watches and waits for God to build it!
[1] https://www.usccb.org/committees/pro-life-activities/false-freedom-and-culture-death