Heartbeat (Page 8)

Monthly newsletter

Working our Direct Communication Muscles

  We all have muscles. Some of us have bigger muscles; and some of us have smaller muscles. I have often been envious of those with giant arms and thick chests. My body just didn’t seem to be able to grow muscles the same way other guys could. That is, until I started going to a gym that had a trainer who knew what to have me work on in order to strengthen those parts of my physique that were…

Mission Drift

  The ocean is an amazing thing. The beauty of the waves, the constant lapping of water on the shore. The Beach and the sand as they squish through your feet. And most importantly the fun of finding the things the water washes up. One of the amazing things of the ocean is its current. Something dropped overboard from a cruise ship or tossed into the ocean from a pier on one side of the world can turn up on…