
Check if your ballot was rejected
Hey church family, Voting is important. Here is a site where you can check to see if your ballot was rejected for some discrepancy. If it was rejected you are able to go to the county and ‘make it right’. In this age of controversy, make sure your ballot counts…

Abortion Laws, Funding etc by State
For those wanting to understand what abortion legislation looks like across the country, this is a great site that pictorially represents 4 areas related to Abortion: Born Alive Protections, Late tErm abortions, Fetal Dignity and Defunding Tax payer supported Abortion Providers

An Excellent post on spotting Authoritarian Leadership
This is a repost from Hannah Arendt on How to Spot (and Resist) Authoritarian and Totalitarian Leaders and Movements During the upcoming year, I intend to study the authoritarian and totalitarian impulses that exist among portions of the Left and the Right in Western liberal democracies. I’ve just finished reading a fascinating book, Polish political philosopher Ryszard Legutko’s The Demon in Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies. I’ll also read Italian political philosopher Augusto Del Noce’s The Age of…

Prayers for our Government
As we near the upcoming mid-term election in a few weeks, we would do well to pray for our country, our officials and our policies. The folks at Light of the World Prayer Center have put together 7 prayers that everyone should be able to pray regardless of their political affiliation. 7 Prayers for the Elections…(Without Getting into Politics)! 1 Timothy 2:1–4 (ESV), “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2for…

Should The Church be involved in things other than religion?
Here is a great 3 min video from the Light of the World Prayer Center about Christian involvement in all the spheres of society, particularly government:

Good articles for keeping up with culture and politics
Many of these come from here. Here are some particularly insightful pages worth reading: India and New Zealand have granted personhood to rivers. That is right, those bodies of water that flow to the ocean. They are now officially recognized people, which means that humans can’t interfere with their natural flow. This piece looks at how such an argument might relate to the abortion and protection of the unborn. Here is an article on the millennial preference for traditional single…

Governments and Budgets – where is the boundary line?
Just because a government is capable of taxing its citizens and giving the money to another citizen or state doesn’t mean it is a good idea. Recently I was reading an article from our CRC brothers north of the 49th parallel that was extolling the fact that Christians could and should rejoice that money is being given to all sorts of social causes and international issues. This seems to be to be a fundamental misunderstanding of government and a blurring…

How does mercy and security influence the immigration debate?
#Wisdom Wednesday with Dr. Scott Redd “How does biblical teaching about mercy and security influence the immigration debate?” from Reformed Theological Seminary on Vimeo.

Release Pastor Andrew Brunson
ICR recently posted this statement

Why can’t Bible Believers participate in Same-sex wedding Ceremonies
With the Washington State Supreme Court hearing oral Arguments in the Barronelle Stutzman (Arlene’s Flowers) case, today seems like a good time to try and help people understand why Bible Believing Christians can’t in good conscience participate in Same-Sex wedding ceremonies. I don’t presume to bring complete argument that is one size fits all, but what I do hope to present is an emotional argument akin to the kinds of arguments that the LGBTQ Lobby has used so many times…
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