Spiritual gifts
The False Prophet in the Old and New Testament
The False Prophet False prophets speaks lies and words that their clients want to hear (1Kin 22). They are ‘misled’ and ‘guided astray’ (Isa 9:15-16). Their messages are always “pleasant things” and they “speak illusions” (Isa 30:11) and from their own ‘imagination’ (Ezek 13:17-21). They proclaim peace but peace never happens (Jer 28:9) and Jeremiah uses this tactic to force a false prophet to set a timeline for peace from Babylon which never materializes (Jer 28:16). Thus we can learn that the false…
Miscellaneous Teaching on Prophecy
Miscellaneous Teaching on Prophecy · it is different than revelation, knowledge and words of instruction (1Cor 14:6). · The prophets of old were persecuted and the disciples of the new covenant will have the same kind of treatment (Mat 5:12). · The woman with the 5 husbands declares Jesus to be a prophet based upon his ability to know details of her life which she hadn’t revealed to him (John 4:19). The blind man healed declares him a prophet based upon the miracle he…
The Accuracy of the OT Prophet
The accuracy of a Prophet Prophets and there message are to be completely accurate. The test of complete accuracy is a starting point in determining if the message is from God. If the message or the signs accompanying it fail to occur, God is very clear that the ‘the prophet has spoken presumptuously’and ‘that is a message the Lord has not spoken’(Deuteronomy 18:22). False prophets and their messages should not be feared or heeded. Some have argued that this Deuteronomy passage only relates to Jesus…
The means by which Prophets declare their message in the OT
Living parables – Ahijah declares his message to Jeroboam by tearing a robe into 12 pieces and giving 10 pieces to the north and 2 to the south (1Kin 11:29-32). Fictional stories – Nathan weaves a story to convict David of his sin when he has Uriah killed (1Sam 12:1ff). An unnamed prophet does the same thing to Ahab for releasing Ben-Hadad (1Kin 20:35-43). Sometimes with signs – Hezekiah to live by making the sun back up 10 steps…
The means by which Prophets receive their message in the OT
Deuteronomy 18:14-22 discusses God’s prophets in relationship to the sorcerers and diviners of the surrounding nations. This is interesting for it implies that the office of prophets and that work of sorcerers and diviners may appear to be similar –both are seeking to guide people and receive that guidance from another realm –but there are some fundamental differences that this passage brings out. Prophets of God receive their message directly from the Lord. God’s word is put ‘in his mouth’ and he must speak everything…
The Calling and Job of a Prophet in the Old Testament
The Call of the Prophet God’s prophets are always just that, God’s prophets, while false prophets are referred to as belonging to someone else –Ahab (1Kings 22:22). God does not pay attention to sex when calling his prophets, for there are female prophetess’in the Word. Deborah is the most notable example (Judges 4:4), though Miriam is also called a prophetess (Exodus 15:20) and so is Huldah (2Chronicles 34:22, 2Kings 22:14). Jeremiah was called from birth (Jer 1:5), Amos in adulthood…