Pastor (Page 14)

Pastor’s Blog

What can we do when our devotional times with God aren’t working?

What can we do when our devotional times with God aren’t working? All of us can remember times when our hunger for the Word of God was at a high. Every time we opened the Word of God we saw something new and relevant to our life. Our minds were poised to drink it all in and treasure it. We remember times when God seemed so real, that talking to Him was easy, and prayer was like having a daily…

How to interpret the Bible

#Wisdom Wednesday with Rev. Michael Glodo “How does Reformed Theology interpret Scripture?” from Reformed Theological Seminary on Vimeo. Summary: How do the New Testament and the Old Testament Relate?  How does the Bible interpret itself? Thematically Christocentric 2Cor 1:20 – All the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Luke 24 – Emmaus Road. Beginning with Moses and the Prophets Christ interpreted the things about himself. Historically Christocentric Gal 4:4-7 – in the fullness of time, God sent…

Training the Next Generation for Spiritual Success

Training the Next Generation for Spiritual Success The Scriptures are full of stories of godly faith being passed from one generation to the next. Consider Paul’s words to Timothy, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well” (2Tim 1:5). Or the psalmist’s cry, “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts” (Ps…

Who watches porn?

Here is a great article by one of the ministers in our Classis. In the article, Rev. Dr. Stringer notes that 1) Those without a purpose; 2) Those who experienced sexual abuse in their past; 3)Those who feel shame are far more likely to be consumers of pornographic material than those who understand who God has made them to be and what he is calling them to do. When we are grounded in our new identity in Christ we are…

Excellence or Perfection?

We often live under the assumption that we must be perfect. But before going any further, let me define perfection as we often use it. Perfection is the state of existence where nothing is wrong in our life, moral excellence has been achieved, and everything is peachy-keen. But since perfection is an unattainable goal for sinful people, we are forced into one of two responses. Either we could put on airs and pretend that we are something we are not,…

Daily Worship and OT Laws – How eating and washing our clothes can be times for spiritual reflection

Recently I was reading through a Bible Encyclopedia. (Yes, I know, I am a geek reading an encyclopedia, but even as a 5th grade boy I was fond of encyclopedia’s. I read an entire set that year.) It is amazing the kinds of things you can find in a well written encyclopedia. Here is a case in point, from the Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible: “Many social customs had a religious significance in OT days. For example, the prohibition of…