Pastor (Page 20)

Pastor’s Blog


 “Speak to him strongly and directly; don’t be afraid.” This is what Pastor “Abraham” heard from the Lord before he led an ISIS fighter to Christ. The ISIS fighter, Fadi, had been in the area recruiting Muslims to come to Syria to fight for ISIS, when several people in the refugee camps where he was recruiting told him of a Christian trying to get them to convert. This news infuriated the ISIS man. He decided to kill Abraham. Abraham had…

Seek all you need in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ

We see that our whole salvation and all its parts are comprehended in Christ [Acts 4:12]. We should therefore take care not to derive the least portion of it from anywhere else. If we seek salvation, we are taught by the very name of Jesus that it is “of him” [1 Cor. 1:30]. If we seek any other gifts of the Spirit, they will be found in his anointing. If we seek strength, it lies in his dominion; if purity,…

Good articles for keeping up with culture and politics

Many of these come from here.  Here are some particularly insightful pages worth reading: India and New Zealand have granted personhood to rivers.  That is right, those bodies of water that flow to the ocean. They are now officially recognized people, which means that humans can’t interfere with their natural flow.  This piece looks at how such an argument might relate to the abortion and protection of the unborn. Here is an article on the millennial preference for traditional single…

How do we raise up our children in the knowledge of the Lord

Melissa Kruger urges moms and dads to do these 5 things in order to raise their children in the knowledge of the Lord: to plan their spiritual input into their children’s lives, to pray for them unceasingly, to partner with the church, to purge the good from their life in order to pursue God’s ultimate goal for your children, namely that they love him, and to persevere when it is hard. #Wisdom Wednesday with Melissa Kruger “How do we raise…

The Resurrection, Daniel and the Lions Den

Theodorus VanderGroe, the Dutch further reformation theologian, wrote these words in his commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism. May these words encourage your soul as they tie the OT and the NT together in Christ. “In Daniel 6:17-28, we read of a noteworthy and well-known incident regarding the prophet. Since Daniel remained steadfast in worshiping and serving the Lord his God, King Darius, at the instigation of Daniel’s enemies, cast him into the lions’ den. To prevent anyone from removing him…

The sins of not evangelizing int he local church

Joel Beeke discusses some of the sins of modern evangelism: Prayerlessness, lacking zeal and understanding of the eternal state of men, accommodation to modern desires, lack of clarity in presenting the Gospel The Need for a Living Evangelism in the Local Church from NCFIC on Vimeo.