Pastor (Page 19)

Pastor’s Blog

Adult Sunday School Survey

If you are a regular attender of Hope in Christ and are age 15 and over, would you please take a few minutes to answer this 6 question survey about the topics for our Fall Sunday school program?   Thanks, Pastor Scott

Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians – Barna Group

Here is some research from Barna backing up the claim I have been making in our Adult Sunday School Class on comparative worldviews. This is a very insightful article about the way that worldviews hostile to Christianity are influencing the church and her people. For example, only 17% of practicing Christians have a “biblical worldview”, which Barna defines as: believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be…

A.W. Pink on the state of our government?

These words written in September 1942 by A.W. Pink, a calvinistic baptist preacher from the last century, might be worth remembering and reflecting upon: “But when error comes into the churches and discipline is relaxed, the Spirit is grieved and His power is withheld, and the evileffects of this become more and more apparent in the country by a rising tide of lawlessness. If the churches persist in a downwardcourse, then the Spirit is quenched and “Ichabod” is written over them,…

Worship or idolatry?

“What the heart loves, the will chooses, and the mind justifies” – Thomas Cranmer This simple statement, if we consider it, will either lead us to greater worship of the Lord and obedience to his Word or it will make us aware of our idolatry and leave us without excuse.  In the first option, we will see our propensity for loving things other than God and be repentant. After which we will refocus our love on the Lord and receive…