Sermons on 1Chronicles
Missions as Worship (1Chr 16:7-32)
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon Outline What is worship? (ask the Q and solicit input) The Setting of 1Chr 16 The ark has come to Jerusalem. In this setting that David discerns that the proper thing to be done in the tabernacle is to…
The Greatness of God (1Chronicles 29:10-13)
1Chronicles 29;10-13 The Greatness of God Is God worth it? The Context of 1Chronicles 29 Solomon is going to succeed him to the throne Solomon is going to build the Temple of God in Jerusalem. The people risk in their worship of God The Character of God Covenantal Father (1Chr 29:10, Dt 7:9, 2tim 2:13, 2Pt 3:9) Greatness (Ps 145:3, Is 6:1, 66:1, Ps 50:4 Powerful (Ps 65:6, 2Chr 20:6) Glorious (2Chr 3:6, Isa 3:18, Rev 4:5, 21:23) Victorious Majestic…