Sermons on Freedom
19 Heb 9:1-14 Purifying Consciences
to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings. Sermon outline Recap Worship Practices under the Mosaic Covenant (Heb 9:1) Regulations for Worship Regulations is a word in Greek closely associated with righteous Earthly place of Holiness (Heb 9:2) Separated out from the rest of creation Different rules for entering into the two spaces…
11 Col 2;16-23 Christian Freedom
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here oR check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings. Sermon outline What is Freedom? The TempTation to Judge and Condemn others (Col 2:16) Therefore (Col 2:13-15) Let no one pass judgment on you Not talking about deciding after the facts are considered. Think Peer Pressure…