Sermons on Acts

01 The Covenant of Redemption (Eph 1:4, 2Tim 1:9, Ps 2:5-9)
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline What was God doing before the creation of the world? Augustine’s answer (Rev 21:8) Westminster Confession of Faith 8.1 The Covenant of Redemption, i.e. pactum salutis. Is there Scriptural Support for this idea (Pactum Salutis)? Ephesians 1:4 & John…

03 Healthy Churches are Outwardly Missional (Acts 1:6-8, Micah 6:9)
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline 03 Healthy Churches are Outwardly Missional: Evangelism, Transforming Communities, Globally Engaged (Acts 1:6-8, Micah 6:9) Churches without Outward Missions Die Church history is riddled with examples of churches that died as a result of not having an external focus…

God’s calling to work with our community
Jeff Thompson – International Christian Response Acts 9

29 Extending the Kingdom of God – Paul
Sermon Outline Acts 7:58, 8:1-3, 9:1-22 Parable of the Kernel of Wheat (Jn 12:24, Rom 12:1-2, Gal 5:13, Mt 16:24) Saul’s worldly agenda Watching over the garments of those stoning Stephen. (Acts 7:58) Self-description in (Phil. 3:5-6, Lev 12:3, Acts 26:5) Living life for his own lower story plans. (Acts 7:58, 8:1, 8:3, 9:1-2, Phil 3:7-8) Paul’s heavenly death (Acts 9:15-16, 2Cor 11:23-27) Resurrected Fruit of a Life with Christ God’s Plan from Eternity (Gen 3:15, 12:3) Application (Jn…

28 The Unstoppable First Disciples
Sermon Outline Acts 2:36-47 Wouldn’t it be amazing to be a part of a movement that was unstoppable? What made the Church unstoppable? Devoted to Apostolic Teaching (Acts 2:36) You are guilty of Jesus death (Acts 2:36, 3:13-15, 4:10, 10:39, Rom 5:8) But God raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 2:31-32, 3:15-16) You must repent (acts 2:37-38, 3:19, 2:41, 4:4, Rom 15:19) What is repentance? (Act 3:19, Lk 3:8, 10-14) Et al. Devotion is (Acts 2:46) Filled with the…

Pentecost is about harvesting the Lost (Acts 2:1-41)
Sermon Outline Confusion about Holy Spirit among many Christians Who is the Holy Spirit? Setting (Acts 2:1) Day of Pentecost = Feast of Weeks 1 of 3 annual feasts to be kept by all Jews (Exo 23:16, Lev 23:15-22, Dt 16:9-12) These were to be a time of rejoicing (Dt 16:11) First feast is about ridding self of sin – take out the leaven; (1Cor 5:7-8) Second feast is about gathering others into God’s kingdom – (Dt 16:12, Exo…

Solus Christus – Acts 4:8-12
Sermon Outline for Solus Christus – Acts 4:8-12 Historical Tidbit The Scene (Acts 3) The Healing of the Cripple (Acts 3:6-8, 19-20) The Night in Jail (Mt 10:18-20) The Sermon (Acts 4:8-12) Who authorized this? Jesus Did it! Resurrection brings healing The Stone the Builders Rejected (Ps 118:22) God is the Rock (Dt 32:4, 15, 31, 2Sam 22:2-3, Dan 2:31-45) Why can’t anyone else save? The Problem of Human Sin God’s Character God is Holy (Rev 4:8) All-powerful, All knowing, Triune…

The Ascension of Christ (Luke 24:50-53 & Acts 1:9-11)
The first part unfortunately was missed. We extend our apologies. The Ascension of Christ – Luke 24;50-53 and Acts 1;9-11 Ascension is the Feast of all feasts – Augustine Scriptures OT Enoch story (Gen 5:21-24, Heb 11:5) Daniel’s Son of Man Elijah’s ascension (2King 2:11) NT (Phil 2:9-11, 3:20-21, 2Th 2:14) Apostles’ Creed HC teaching LD18: Q46-49 Westminster teaching Q51-54 Luke 24:50-53 The Crux: End of Luke’s Gospel Narrative – Beginning of Luke’s Church Narrative Final Blessing of the Earthly…

Intentional Evangelism Acts 8;4-8, 26-40
Sermon Outline Evangelism Fears Evangelism is a normal part of Christian life (1Pet 2:9) Philip’s life, an example of intentional evangelism Wherever they went (Acts 8:4) they preached Preach the word (Acts 8:4) Tell the good news, announce, proclaim, declare The Word unites Jews, Samaritans, Gentiles, male/female, rich/poor, slave/free, Can it unite 1 Eunuch specifically excluded? (Acts 8:27, Dt 23:1, Isa 56:3-8) What is the Gospel Acts 2:22-24 for definition of “this word” Christ in all of Scripture (Acts 8:5,…