Sermons on God's Character

16 Heb 6:12-20 You can trust God’s promises to you
to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings. Sermon outline Introduction to Trust Trust is not Laziness An encouragement to grow up and mature in the faith (Heb 6:12) What are God’s promises to us? (Heb 4:1, 9:15, Gal 5:1, Tit 1:2, 1Jn 2:25, Jam 1:12, Acts 1:4, 2:33, Jn 24:49, 2Cor…

Luke 1:39-56 The Magnificent God of Mary (Advent 4)
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here oR check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings. Sermon outline The Christmas season is normally a time for cheer and joy Let’s look today at why Mary and Elizabeth worship and rejoice when they meet each other Reasons for Worshipping the Magnificent God The Savior…

13 Isaiah 40:9-31 Behold your God!
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline Where would you turn if you wanted to give people a description of God? Genesis 1 Exo 34:6 Rev 5-6 But would you think of Isa 40? The call to Proclaim the Nature of God (Isa 40:9) One would…

03 Who is God? Isaiah 6:1-7
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline We all want to define God… The human propensity to create gods Christians can be just as guilty of this as the non-Christians The most common versions of God among Christians these days are: God is loving God is…

19 John 14:1-3 We await our room
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline The way we interpret life has a way of troubling our hearts/spirits Jesus’ teaching (Jn 14:1) Context (Jn 13:38) Don’t let the trials, experiences, fires of life cause you to be stirred up! How often do each of…

The Theology of Wonder Woman 1984 (Ps 97 & 115:4-8)
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon Outline Wonder Woman 1984 The film, while fair from a cinematic perspective, contains some wonderful theology. The main villain is a Man by the name of Max. Max Lord is a wonderful picture of a false God. (Ps 97:7) The…

The Divine Character of Jesus, Part 2
The Divine Character of Jesus, Part 2 (Ex 34:6-7, various NT) Sermon Outline Recap of Part 1 God is abounding in love (Jn 6:38-40, Lk 19:10) Significance: If God is faithful to you in Christ, you can be assured that nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus. (Rom 8:39) God is abounding in faithfulness (truth) (Jn 14:6, 18:37) Significance: The things Jesus promised, we can depend upon. He will come back. HE will never leave…

The Divine Character of Jesus, Part 1
The Divine Character of Jesus, Part 1 (Ex 34:6-7 and various NT) Sermon Outline What does it mean to be divine? (WSC 4, BC 10, 19, Ex 34:6-7) God is LORD (Jn 6:35, 8:12, Jn 9:35, 10:7-14, 10:30, 11:25, 14;6, 15:1, 16:28, 18:6, Lk 2:14, 22:69, Mt 28:9, 17, Phil 2:10, Heb 1:6) Significance: We must worship and bow down, giving all honor, glory and praise to Jesus. God is merciful (Mt 8:2-3 12:20, Isa 42:3, Jam 2:13)…

14 God is Faithful to His Word 1Kings 11-16
Sermon Outline Read 1 Kings 11:9-40 & 14:1-16 We think it’s all about politics (Lower Story) Introduction Poor rulers abuse people (1Ki 12:4, 14) Good Rulers serve people (1Ki 12:7) Who we take counsel from matters (1Ki 12;7, 10-11) Transition to the Character of God To God it’s all about keeping his Word (Upper Story) Ancient Prophecy of Jericho (1Ki 16:34, Josh 6:26) Jeroboam (Israel) An amazing conditional promise (1Ki 11:37-38) Failure to trust God (1Kings 12:28, 31)…

08 God’s Punishment and His Mercy (Judges 2)
Sermon Outline Acquiescence – To Tire of the Fight – (Num 33:50-53, Dt 9:3ff) The Sin in the Book of Judges Failing to possess the land completely (Judges 1:19, 21, 27-28, 30-33, 2:2-3) Failing to pass on the faith to the children (Judges 2:10-13) Compromising the Truth (Judges 2:12-14) The Consequence of Sin is Death and Suffering The Mercy of God (Judges 2:16-18) God hears the suffering and groaning of his people. And he is moved by it. He…
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