Healthy Church Series (Page 2)

Healthy Church Series (Page 2)

Life transforming walk with Jesus (Ezra 8:21-23, 31-32; John 15:1-8)

  Life Transforming means impacting, changing. Bears Fruit I am the true vine and my father is the vinedresser (Jn 15:1) Image of the vine was applied to the nation of Israel (Jer 2:21, Ps 80:9-16, Is 5:1-7, Ezek 15:1-8, 17:1-21, 19:10-14, Hos 10:1-2) Jesus is the real covenant nation/people. True branches bear fruit (Jn 15:2) Fruit is produced by abiding in Christ. (Jn 15:4) How can we abide? 1st by his sacrifice, 2nd by his Spirit, 3rd by the…

Heartfelt Worship (Psalm 138)

Heartfelt Worship (Ps 138) Worship is not about Form but Heart (Dt 6:7, Jn 4:24) Worship is our response to God’s self-revealing Worship includes Confession (Ps 51), lament (Ps 44), praise (Exo 15), thanksgiving (Ps 138), and adoration (Ps 8). Dancing (2Sam 6:14), Fasting and silence (Mt 6:16-18, Ps 46:10) Heartfelt – as an adjective describing motivation (Dt 10:12-13, 2Chr 29:31) Psalm 138 An Example of Heartfelt worship Whole heart (Dt 6:5, Ps 9:2, 119:10) Sings (Ps 138:1, Eph 5:19,…

A Healthy Church is Centered on God’s Word (2Tim 3:10-17)

A Healthy Church is Centered on God’s Word Intro Great Bible Memorizers What would drive people to read the word like this? What is Scripture It is Sacred (2Tim 3:15) It is God-breathed – (2Tim 3:16) It is Given to people (2Pt 1:20-21) Why do we have it? (2Tim 3:15-16) Make us wise for salvation (2Tim 3:15, Ps 19:1, Rom 10:9) It is useful/beneficial. Produces/yields practical benefits (1Tim 4:8) What Good does Scripture produce? (2Tim 3:16) Teaches us (Rom 15:4)…

What is a healthy Church? An overview

What is a healthy Church? An Overview Sum of the parts Either whole is greater than sum of the parts Or the Whole is Less than the sum of the parts What is a Healthy Church A healthy church is a gathering of healthy Christians working with God in His world! Healthy means “pursuing Christ” Missional means “pursuing Christ’s priorities in the world” 10 Markers Centrality of the Word of God (Heb 4:12, Prov 30:5, Acts 4:31) Heartfelt worship (Psalm…
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